Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Free Lebanon

This isn't our typical blog entry, but after hearing how "Free Palestine" (meaning "Destroy Israel") signs were outside the church where the funeral was held for Riad Hamad, an anti-Israel fanatic who took his own life, I thought it made sense to encourage freeing a country that needed to be freed, rather than encouraging the destruction of a country that is currently free.

Wednesday 14th May 2008

12:00pm to 4:00pm
United Nations-Dag Hammarskjold Plaza
47th Street and 1st Avenue
New York, New York

1. To call on the international community to exert pressure on the Iranian and Syrian regimes and thwart Hezbollah's staged coup d'etat against the legitimate government of Lebanon.

2. To call for the full implementation on UN resolution 1559 and UN resolution 1701.

3. To support the legitimate government of Lebanon which was elected according to procedures laid out in the Lebanese constitution.

These are very critical times and our beloved Lebanon needs all our efforts to get through this dangerous phase. Please circulate to your friends and plan to attend.

Please bring Lebanese Flags and protest signs.

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